It has been a while since I have entered a post. "Life is like a box of chocolates." from the movie forest gump comes to mind. I just wish I knew which ones are coconut filled.
A lot has happened Ashlyn had a birthday and she is officially 11. I cannot believe that she and I am getting that old. I also had my 14 year wedding anniversary. Who knew that time could pass so quickly with so many ups and curve balls.
As time passes I pause to think that 1 yr ago I never inagined that my family and I would move all the way across the USA. Morgan would learn to swim. Ashlyn would excel in school and become a talented swimmer. Placing in almost every race she swims. That we would sell the only house we have ever owned and move to a place where such a great diversity of people live. That a normal sunday outing would no longer be a trip to stanley or Iadaho mountains. But would be a trip to Virginia beach or to walk the US capitol or even visit the nationial Zoo. Makes me wonder what is instore next. Is it Europe on the far east or could it be as simple as a small town in the mountains or on the plains. Life is like a box of chocolates I just wish I knew which one I would be handed next.
Cool underwater party pictures! Looks like fun!
Way to go Ashlyn! Happy Birthday. Thanks for the update and pictures and video. I will see you all soon. Love to you all.
I want a cream-filled one next, I think. :0)
Happy Birthday Ashlyn and Heidi...sorry I've been aweful about sending cards this year. Hope things are going well for you all!
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