Thursday, September 3, 2009
Summer is to fair spent
Summer, summer, to fair spent. We have had a summer of sun, water, history and Family. School starts on Tuesday with a new chapter for both girls. Morgan will be in the first grader. Homework will be her new achievement. This will be her frist year with her going all day in one school. Ashlyn will be going from being a big fish in a little pond to a little fish in a big pond. Ashlyn will be a 6th grader in Stone wall middle school. I wish her all the best of luck. As for the summer I have seen my kids grow in strength, personality, heath, and in just being kids. I have enjoyed this summer. I will miss them this age and there giggles at the simple thing. The wonder they see the world. I hope for all you that you have seen your own kids grow this summer and have taken it in with a glass of lemonade. As the sun sets on another summer I thank your Heavenly Father for these times...
Sunday, August 9, 2009

It was a day for walking. We decided to go to the zoo. We made a lunch and boarded the subway. The subway drops you off about 3/4 of a mile away from the zoo and of course an uphill walk. The zoo is a little zoo about 220 acres and on a hill so you start at the top and walk down hill looking at animals. Then you have to walk up the hill to get back to the subway. Of course we had to stop for frozen yogurt when we were done. then back on the subway and back to home with everyone a little tired with feet that were a little sore.
Friday, August 7, 2009
The story continues

Brenda's visit continues. I believe that cold weather might be following her. The first full day here was only in the 70's in Aug so we went to Washington DC to see the monuments and the Declaration of Independence.
The day started off with lunch in China town. Then a short walk to see the declaration of Independence. The off to the monuments. It was a perfect day for walking.
The day started off with lunch in China town. Then a short walk to see the declaration of Independence. The off to the monuments. It was a perfect day for walking.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Another visitor from the west.

Air and space

Brenda arrived yesterday. We are the last stop on her whirlwind summer of traveling. She did a spring break in Ireland then did a 10 day trip to Florida the anther 10 days in Iowa and then 10 days visiting us in northern Virginia. She arrived at ~1:30pm at Dulles international airport which is about 15 miles from our home. Since we were in the at the airport we stopped at the national air and space museum. Had a chance to very everything from early flying machines to a space shuttle. Then we went home. Brenda took a quick cat nap while dinner was prepared. After dinner went to the pool and the girls showed Brenda how much they have improved swimming. Then finished the day off with a redbox movie and ice cream.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Swim Team
Swim Team is finally over. Final results are in along with final times. Morgan's final time is 51.25 sec for the 25 meter free style. Ashlyn swam 29.24 for the 25 meter butterfly, 1.05 for the breast stroke, 59.37 for the back and a 54.84 sec all for a 50 meter swim.After the award ceremony everyone went to the local pool and had a swim day. They opened the park's water slides to everyone. Morgans crowning moment was passing her first swim test and being able to go on all the rides. For myself it is a love hate relationship. I am going to miss the amount of activity that was required but at the same time I am glad to gave time off and not have to run run run every minute of the day. Both girls improved leaps and bounds Morgan learned to swim and Ashlyn became a top competitor.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Visits from the west

During the weekend Grace and Tony Walsh came to grace our presence for the duration of three days before they had to abscond back to Idaho. It turned out to be a nice weekend to visit. the weather could not have been better. The hottest day was 87 and it did not have any large amount of rain. Friday they pulled into town at approximately 5:00ish. Then everyone but Marc went out to dinner. He unfortunately had to work. Then Saturday was a day of sight seeing. First was a swimming meet. Ashlyn and Morgan just did very well. Second we all went to Bull Run the sight of the first civil war battle. And it just happened to be the anniversary of the battle. Many things were going on they had reenactments happening and people dressed in civil war costume showing what it was like for the soldiers. Afterward we absconded the scene and went on a short driving tour to see where the girls go to school and Old Town Manassas. The free Sunday concert was playing it was a blue grass band. Finishing up with dinner out at Tony's favorite diner McDonalds. Monday was a girls go shopping day.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sick day
Today has been one of those days. Morgan came home from summer school with a high fever and feeling like she was going to give up her offering to the porcelain god. So we have been sitting on the couch and the bed watching her favorite programs. I think if I see one more episode of the discovery channels dirty jobs or another Scooby Doo I just might loose it. But she is starting to feel better as long as she takes her pills to keep her fever down. Which has given me the time to think about life money and the presuite of happiness. How close the three run together but how hard we as people try to keep them seperated. I wish I had the answer to these three mysteries but I do not. As far as I can tell it is all about faith that life will get better. And thru work and deligence we continue on a path that leads us on a path of hope to abtain the future that we all aspire too.
Sunday, July 12, 2009

It has been a while since I have entered a post. "Life is like a box of chocolates." from the movie forest gump comes to mind. I just wish I knew which ones are coconut filled.
A lot has happened Ashlyn had a birthday and she is officially 11. I cannot believe that she and I am getting that old. I also had my 14 year wedding anniversary. Who knew that time could pass so quickly with so many ups and curve balls.
As time passes I pause to think that 1 yr ago I never inagined that my family and I would move all the way across the USA. Morgan would learn to swim. Ashlyn would excel in school and become a talented swimmer. Placing in almost every race she swims. That we would sell the only house we have ever owned and move to a place where such a great diversity of people live. That a normal sunday outing would no longer be a trip to stanley or Iadaho mountains. But would be a trip to Virginia beach or to walk the US capitol or even visit the nationial Zoo. Makes me wonder what is instore next. Is it Europe on the far east or could it be as simple as a small town in the mountains or on the plains. Life is like a box of chocolates I just wish I knew which one I would be handed next.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Both Girls are doing very well. Morgan is taking ti it like a fish takes to water. Ashlyn is becoming very competive. She practices every free minute. Morgan will be swimming free style and Ashlyn will be swimming free style and the butterfly and backstroke. Ashlyn believes that she is fastest at her butterfly even though it takes the most effort.
Monday, June 1, 2009

Another fun filled weekend has came and went leaving only happy memories and a few cherished glimples of the past preserved in the reflection of a few photos.
With only a day to exscape it was decided to go to Water Country USA part of Busch gardens in Williamsburg Virginia. As part of the passes that we purchased for Busch Gardens it also included admission to Water Park USA. We left home just before 8am and arrived at just before 10am when the park opened. We did rides till lunch. Then after lunch we played in the wave pool and the endless river.
Then left about 3:30 and drove home. After dinner you would not believe what the children wanted to do. They wanted to play in the pool.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Swim Team
Last night was swim team practice and it was cold. It was in the upper 60's with a nice warm wind and a practice in an outdoor pool. There team is dedicated. Practices will happen rain or shine. If there is lightening. Everyone out of the pool for 30 min after 30 min practice will go on. Practices are monday tueday and thursday during school. After school gets out practices are monday thru friday 7am til 8:30am then in the evening from 7-9. With a meet every saterday. They have two away meets and 3 home meets. Skipping the 4th of July. When the summer is done they are both going to swim like fish.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

One busy week. Morgan had her birthday she is officially 6. Morgan had only one friend able to come to her party due to everyone going out of town for the holiday. For her present we signed her up for swim team this summer. She will be swimming every day for the next two and a half months.
We went camping also over the weekend. It was a very warm and green set of mountains. Right where the bridge is on the back of the west virginia quarter. We also floated the new river. It was a little more intense than the main payette. in an 8 mile run there was 14 class III rapids. We had an IK and a cataraft and a 18 foot maravia raft. Everyone took turns trying out all the boats. Unfortunately we left the camera at camp and did not get any pictures of the river.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Before I forget I would like to share a little more about Ashlyn. She is doing extremely well. Her class is very ethnically differant from Kuna. I think that this can be a good thing. I had the chance to attend her field trip to Great Falls nationial park. It always amazes me how wonderful our country is.
Also spent last sunday afternoon at the Nationial Zoo. The best part about the Zoo is that it is free.

It has been a while since I have written. For some reason I was having a hard time locating the cord that connects the camera to the computer making picture transfer difficult at best. But a lot has happened in the last week. Morgan has had her final music program for school. Ashlyn is in the middle of her SOL tests. I know it sounds bad. I really is the acrinime for the standardized test for Virginia. I have no idea what it stands for. But the weather has been a little mixed. Rain then sun then rain. Standard spring time patern. I was able to capture the moment of a few of our new favorite activities walking. About a mile from our place of residance is the manassas battle fields. This is where Andrew Jackson earned his nickname Stonewall Jackson.
Also one of the things that always amazes me is the differant animals that we see. Turtles for example are everywhere. This is an attention grabber because I have never before seen turtles so abundantly.
Sunday, May 3, 2009

It has been a really exciting week. Marc drove to Kentucky and picked up Jon. Johns visit has been busy at best. The first morning we all went to the first battle of the civil war and walked thru the battle fields. We even took a picture of the bridge that was fought over. Then next day we met him in DC and went to the smithsonian. Too bad it is going to rain 5 to 7 inches while he is here.
Monday, April 27, 2009

I thought that I had curly hair in Idaho but I was wrong. Here on the far side of Virginia there is a lot of humidity and my hair and skin loves it. I believe that my hair has curled to about 3 in shorter than when I boarded the airplane to fly here. And my skin has cleared up and is so much softer than ever before. I always say "go have an adventure everyday."
A Day on the river

Today was a hot day and the kids are in school so Marc and I decided to exscape and spend the day on the Shanendougha River which flows to the patomac. It is located about a 40 minute five from our place of residance by the town of Front Royal. It was perfect did not see another boat on the water. And tepmeratures were in the mid 90's. Did a 3 mile float and saw plenty of wildlife. Saw a baby fox some turtles and an eagle. Unfortunately only had a chance to photograph the turtles. And still made it home before the children came home from school.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Day trip to DC in January
Would like to post some photos that were taken from a day trip to DC this Jan. It was a great trip but ended out being a lot of walking. Took the subway to china town and had lunch. Then walked to the Washington monument. Stopping at the WW II memorial and found Roger's brothers name on it. Then walked to George Washington university to catch the subway home.
Rainy day in Virginia

It was another rainy day in Manassas. the morning was wonderful with sun and spotty clouds but as the day went on the more could and rainy it got. Ashlyn had her room cleaned today it was a disaster. Do not know how it could have gotten as bad as it got. New rule for her it has to be clean before she goes to bed or else she has to clean it before school.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Report card
It was report card day. as usual the good bad and the ugly was there. Ashlyn did great as ussual. She was plesantly suprised that she passed history. Morgan is improving but will have summer school.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Spring Break

We decided to take the family to busch gardens and jamestown for spring break. We talked it over and decided that instead of taking one large vacation we would take several small vacations and busch gardens would be a good place to go. It is centerly located by yorktown and jamestown as well as Williamsburg. It was a lot of fun. We left saterday morning and drove the 2.5 hours to Busch gardens and played till evening. Then checked into a hotel. I was thrilled with the fact that it is still off season so we were able to get a room for 30 dollars a night. Next morning we went to Jamestown. Right next to the sight of the original colony they have built a reproduction of the original fort and a sample of an original indian village. With scale size ships in the harbor that you can walk thru. When we were done we drove to Virginia Beach. It was a little windy and a little cold. Next day we woke up to rain. It rained an inch that day. We went to Busch gardens and had a wonderful day. we almost had the park to ourselves.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Late then Never
Hi all I not the best blogger.. But hear in Virginia we have Finley have moved in to our new place for the next year. We now have inter net , heat and well life is going full fours. Do not give up on me just yet. Pitchers are on there way...
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